Cultivating Sustainability in 2024 with Managed Print

hand turning block to 2024, other blocks with sustainability icons

As we approach a new year, businesses are setting goals, and for many, sustainability is a key focus. One impactful way to reduce your environmental impact is through embracing managed print services. Preferred Business Systems is here to guide you on this eco-friendly journey.

Why Choose Managed Print for a Greener Office?

1. Paper Reduction

Managed print encourages a paper-efficient environment. By optimizing print jobs and encouraging digital alternatives, your business can significantly reduce its paper consumption.

2. Energy Efficiency

Modern printers are designed with energy-saving features. Through managed print, you can ensure that your devices are optimized for energy efficiency, contributing to a greener office.

3. Toner and Cartridge Management

Efficient management of toner and cartridges ensures that these resources are used optimally. Reduced waste from consumables means less environmental impact.

4. Print Fleet Optimization

Managed print involves assessing your print fleet and optimizing it for efficiency. This not only reduces unnecessary devices but also ensures that the remaining ones operate at their peak.

5. Digital Transformation

Managed print services often go hand in hand with digital transformation. Embracing digital workflows reduces the reliance on printed materials, minimizing your environmental footprint.

Make 2024 Your Greenest Year Yet

At Preferred Business Systems, we understand the importance of managing your carbon footprint. As you set sustainability goals for the new year, consider how managed print services can align with your environmental objectives. Reduce waste, conserve resources, and contribute to a greener, more sustainable future.

If you're eager to make 2024 your greenest year yet, contact us to explore how our managed print services can help your business reduce its environmental impact. Together, let's create a more sustainable and efficient office environment.