Integrating Managed Services on a Tight Budget

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Understandably, many businesses are struggling to adapt to a new world with the Covid-19 pandemic and try to restructure to keep moving forward. Like many businesses, this may include trying new, innovative technologies and efforts to save money and streamline your workflows so you can operate a lean business, save money, and bounce back.

One strategy that is working for companies is implementing managed services to save money. While starting off with a new service does have a bit of a cost, businesses can find significant savings with managed services, most notably managed print.

Need to Know

What is managed print exactly? Managed print is comprehensive oversight of your print environment, bringing together all the little costs into one predictable monthly budget that provides good value, less waste, and high-level cost management for print.

How it Works

Here's how it works: managed print services will assess your print needs and how your equipment and print environment are being used. Then, the vendor will take the data to create print policy recommendations and make changes to supplies, equipment, maintenance, locations, and more to find major savings on print.

Managed print may also involve monitoring software to reduce wasteful footprint and evaluate where your print volumes are coming from. The cost savings result from analysis and making changes to expensive print practices that aren't helping grow your business.

Next Steps

Managed services are a huge benefit for companies of any size on a tight budget. You're able to keep people focused on their job while improving productivity and efficiency - two critical aspects of running on a tight budget. Just work with the right team at Preferred Business Systems.