How You’ll Get More Done with Managed Print


Many business owners and managers don’t know that print is the third most significant cost in a company. From actual dollars to productivity, once you start adding up the costs, you’ll be surprised.

Mostly because in addition to waste (paper, supplies), there is a significant cost of time spent on printing. There is no denying that time spent ordering supplies, fixing printers, troubleshooting repairs, adding up costs, and all the other little print issues can add up to be a huge amount of money in employee salaries.

That’s precisely where managed print comes in.

What is Managed Print?

Managed print is a service that essentially outsources all oversight of print. From supply management to repair planning, from cost data to planning budgets to audits, your print environment will be fast, functional, and ready to go with managed print services.

Managed Print and Productivity

So how do you get more done with managed print? Employees will not have to look for supplies, fix small issues, or figure out a solution for print problems.

Even better, the print audit aspect of managed print will help line out who prints what, so that you can create more effective print policies.

That means that employees won’t be wasting time on unnecessary projects (or printing), and everyone can focus on the real business side of your company.

Professional Business Solutions Saves Money

By investing in managed print services, you’re consistently saving your business excess print costs and other inefficiencies. Ready to make the move to managed print? Let’s talk.