Document Management Tips: Building a Digital Mailroom

The word 'tips' written out on a notebook next to a lite lightbulb.

These days, it seems like the whole world is going digital--including office mailrooms. This is especially important for remote or hybrid workers. Here's how to digitize your own mailroom with document management!

How Document Management Digitizes Your Mail

Think about the last time you digitized something. How much work did it take? Were there all kinds of interwoven tools and solutions, each one requiring its own set of steps? If so, you might hesitate to do the same for your mailroom--but luckily, there's a better way.

Document management takes the heart of mailrooms--the documents themselves--and helps transition them to the digital world. How? It happens in three steps:

#1: Organization

When mail arrives, your document management system is ready to jump into action. It can help you organize this mail based on whom it's intended for and whether it needs to be delivered physically or electronically. (Hint: Document management can do the same thing for other files and papers--which is why it's a great tool to have in your back pocket.)

#2: Scanning

Once the mail is sorted, it's time to digitize it. Document management allows you to streamline and simplify the scanning process, automatically capturing information that will make it easier to send mail to the right places.

#3: Distribution

Depending on how your digital mailroom works, document management can work in multiple ways. For example, the system could automatically put scanned files in a folder assigned to each employee. If you prefer to use email, document management can help you scan mail directly to your email application and send it in seconds.


If your mailroom needs to be brought into the future, there's no better solution than document management. In three simple steps--organization, scanning, and distribution--this system makes mail delivery a breeze, no matter where your employees might be.

Ready to see what else document management can do? Contact us today!